Saturday, October 11, 2008

South Africa Pictures

Oops . . . 

forgot to mention in my last post that I have pictures up on a shutterfly site.

Check them out at

Sorry for the long web address

Take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think.  


Nuts for Mutts the Walk!!

Hey Strangers!  

Sorry it's been so long since I've posted.  Life after Africa took some adjusting . . . ok, maybe a lot of adjusting.  But that's done now and I'm adjusted.

A few updates . . . don't forget that New Leash on Life's 5k is coming up on Oct 19.  Borrow a dog, walk with your own, put a friend on a leash, or just walk by yourself . . . no matter how you do it, you'll have fun!!  Get more info at!!

Next update . . . VOTE!!!!!  Opinions mean nothing if we don't voice them.  I believe Oct 20 is the last day to register and voting day is Nov 4.  Read up on the issues, educate yourself, be ready to vote!

That's all for now folks.


Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Bungy Jumping continued . . . . yes I was scared!!

Face Adrenaline - Bungy Jumping from 709 feet!

Home Bitter Sweet Home

Hi All,

Sorry this post has taken me so long.  I've been home for a little over a week now and the first week was super crazy.  I've now learned that my body doesn't travel so well and returning to work the day after getting back didn't help the situation.  But, I'm back on some sort of schedule and now getting ready to leave for Hawaii this weekend.  Not looking forward to getting on another plane, but very much looking forward to spending a week on Poipu Beach.  I need a vacation from my vacation.  

I suppose a wrap up from my African adventure is in order; however, I just don't know what to say or where to begin.  In a nut shell it was the best experience of my life.  The title of this post says it all, I'm happy to be home but so sad to not be in Cape Town.  I could have stayed another 3 weeks if not more.  I was so comfortable and felt so at home, at ease.  Yes, Cape Town is not the safest of cities (actually, statistically it is the least safe).  The three weeks I spent there were perfect and I am incredibly grateful to have had this opportunity.  I feel so blessed to have been able to meet the people I met and experience the adventures I did.  Thank you to everyone who helped make it a reality.  

People keep asking me if the trip changed me, if I feel different.  Honestly, I don't know yet.  I feel like I am more aware and that's the best answer I can give thus far.  I know the trip did change me but it will take some time to fully understand how.  

Now for the fun stuff . . . I know you all want pictures.  I'm hoping to use my down time in Hawaii to get most of it done, but I have some time today so I'll start posting a few.  And eventually I'll have my album done and I'll carry that with me so whenever I see you, I'll the album to look at.

Thanks for sticking with me!!


Thursday, July 31, 2008

Last post from Cape Town

Hi All,

So it's now Thursday afternoon and everyone is getting ready for our Goodbye Dinner . . . it will definitely be a sad night.  And tomorrow is my last day with the kids so another sad day.  Oy vey, don't know if I can take all these emotions.  

Anywho, the point was that I don't have much more time here and I have to be all packed up by 8am on Saturday.  Thus, this is my last post from South Africa.  But stay tuned because I will continue with the blog with pictures and other updates on my travels (I'm just getting started).

This past week has been amazing!!!  The whole time has been amazing!!!  The three weeks just flew by, I can't wrap my head around the fact that I'm leaving in two days, too surreal.  I did finally make it to Robben Island which was a little disappointing.  I'm so happy I went but it has become so commercialized and so much a tourist attraction that I feel like a lot of it's history has been lost.  It didn't feel real, I had to keep reminding myself of where I was and the impact of the location.  Oh well.

My kids have been awesome, supposedly they are throwing the volunteers a party tomorrow so I am so excited about that.  

This entire experience has been so magically overwhelming that the words have been so hard to find but I appreciate all the support from back home and the wonderful comments.  Just wait until I start getting pictures up.  :)

Lots and lots of love and I will see/talk to you all in a few days.


Sunday, July 27, 2008


Hi All,

Ok so I have a lot to say and 25 minutes until my computer dies and my roommates are asleep so I can't get my charger.  I'll be quick and try to get as much in because the next few days are going to be super busy.

Since my last post I have had my second week of placement.  It was still challenging, but I love it soooo much!  I've become really close to a few of the kids and it's going to be so hard to leave them.  I'm only there three weeks so there isn't much I can do; however, I had decided that if I only accomplish one thing it will be to turn Divine into a good boy.  He's this little boy that you can just tell is starved for affection and he acts out the most.  He knows that what he does is wrong, he just so badly wants someone to call out his name.  So I've started a little relationship with him and make a point to spend a little bit of each day devoted just to him.  And I already got the address of the school so that I can send him letters when I'm gone.  I just really want him to know that someone cares and that he is a good boy.  He really is a great kid, he just needs guidance and confidence and to not beat up other kids.  That's just one of the kids I've fallen in love with.  I think I've already mentioned Liam and there is Babiwa and Mandisa and so many more.  There all great kids with no guidance or really any good role models.  I'm so happy that I have this chance to meet them.  I know it sounds cheesy but I would be so happy if I could make a fraction of a difference in their lives compared to the difference they've made in mine.  So that's how my week is spent.  

The afternoons include guest speakers and educational tours of Cape Town which are all amazing.  Last week we had this guest speaker who was so emotional and had been through so much I had to leave for a few minutes to cry.  It was so intense and his words were so incredible.  I can't even explain it, I'll try to think of a better way but how far he had come was so inspiring I couldn't help but break down.  We also spent one afternoon touring a Cape Malay township and going to the Slave Lodge which is a museum devoted to South African slavery.  It was also very moving and beautiful.  Learning more about their history made me realize that it really isn't that different from American history.  It's crazy to learn that we all came from similar starts yet our lives have all gone in such different directions.  And just the more I learn about this country the more I am amazed by it.  I can't imagine another place on earth that can be so beautiful yet so ugly and crush and raise your spirits in one day.  There are so many sides to the country and there is no possible way for them all to live in harmony and that is where the problem lies.  Actually there are a lot of problems, that is only the tip of the iceberg.  Ok, so that's my lesson on South Africa.

Now the fun weekend stuff.  If you've been keeping up with my blog and thought last weekend was cool wait until you hear about this past weekend.  A group of 13 of us booked a weekend tour of the Garden Route which is the GORGEOUS section of the western cape with all these crazy adventures.  We got picked up Friday after placement and drove about 5 hours to a town called Wilderness and we stayed at a fabulous hostel.  They made us delicious pizza and we all got drunk around the fire.  4 of us took a break and walked down to the beach (oh yeah, the hostel was on the beach) and laid on the sand for a while and just stared at the stars (that was for Beth).  It was amazing.  I've never seen such a beautiful night sky or felt such soft sand.  The Saturday we woke up and had quite possibly the most amazing day of my life.  First we drive to the Knysna Heads which is just a breathtaking view of the Indian Ocean.  We spent some time climbing around those rocks and taking pictures.  Then we drive to the Elephant Sanctuary where we get to walk trunk in hand and RIDE elephants.  That's right folks, I rode an elephant!!!  He was huge!!!!!!  So amazing, so perfect, so unbelievable.  Then we drove to the Monkey Sanctuary to eat lunch and hang out with monkeys.  I forgot that I had coins in my pocket and while walking around a monkey reached in my pocket and took my change.  I got pickpocket by a monkey!!!  It was freaking rad!!!!  Then most of the group went zip-lining.  Myself, plus two others, opted to sit that out and lay in the sun for the hour they were gone.  That was definitely the right choice because we need to rest up for our next and most amazing adventure yet . . . bungy jumping from the world's highest!!!!  That's right,  yet again folks . . . I jumped with nothing but a rope tied to my ankles from 709 feet in the air off a freaking bridge!!!!!  Waaaaay scarier than sky diving!!!!  Standing at the edge of a bridge to jump off is just not normal.  Don't worry, I bought my video so you can all share in my fear.  The funniest part to me is that I have the most R-rated video of anyone in our group.  I'm basically cursing the world the entire time.  There is plenty of foul language to embarrass my parents (sorry Mom and Dad, I was scared).  And that was Saturday.  Elephants and jumping to my death, such excitement.

Today, Sunday, was calmer.  We did a lot of driving today.  We did stop at the Congo Caves (a national monument) and toured that for a bit.  It was fun but we were all so tired and ready to get home.  We finally got home at about 9pm, ordered in food, showered, and am now getting ready for bed.  I can't believe this is my last week.  There is so much to fit in.  I'm excited to be coming home soon but so sad to be leaving here.  I could have definitely done 4-5 weeks instead of 3.  Live and learn, right?

That's pretty much it.  I'm not really e-mailing anyone unless they e-mail me first.  So if there is something you want to say just to me or a question you want to ask feel free to e-mail me and I'll get back to you soon.

Oh oh, picture update.  My computer is mean and takes forever to upload photos . . . but a lot of my housemates have been able to upload photos and I think about 30 pics of me have been tagged on Facebook.  So if you or someone you know has access to Facebook have them "friend request" me and I'll approve to that you can check out some pictures.  There are some really funny ones.  Beth, I know you have a lot going on but if you are at Jen's at all (maybe for yoga) can you show her the Facebook pics?  Thanks!!  She can snag them off Facebook to then show my folks.  And Nicole, Peter and I are friends of Facebook so you can look at them too.  

I think that's pretty much all I wanted to say.  Oh, except for that if you ever decide to bungy jump . . . it is not kind on the back.  My spine feels like it's been moved over a few inches.  

I love you all and can't believe I will home to see you all in a week.  


Monday, July 21, 2008

Sharks and penguins all in one weekend!

Hi All,

I hope all of your weekends were wonderful . . . but let me just tell you, nothing can top mine.  Even sick, I'm pretty sure I just had one of the best weekends ever.  

Saturday morning a group of 13 of us got picked up at 5:30am (not fun at all, but oh well) and we drove two hours to the Eastern Cape.  I'm on the western side of the island so it was nice to see a different side, even though it was super early.  Then we got to Gansbaai and got on the shark diving boat.  The boat ride was a little under a half hour.  One of the really cool parts is that I have now been in the Indian and the Atlantic oceans . . . that's really cool to me. As soon as we anchored we began to see sharks around the boat, it was incredible.  They are soooo beautiful!!!  I am also so happy that other people went with me because I was so overwhelmed by what was happening I didn't think to take any pictures, but don't worry, tons of pictures were taken.  There were 20 people on the boat and we went down in groups of 4.  I was in the third group to go.  While the second group was in the water we got in our wetsuits and got ready to jump in the cage.  I'm not sure what kind of metal the cage is but I felt safe the entire time.  We saw about 3-4 different sharks who just kept swimming back around, one was super friendly (or pissed) and got up super close to the cage.  I actually think he was rubbing up against the cage.  His second time doing that I had to pull my hands back a bit because he was so close . . . I couldn't just touch him, I could have probably reached my arms across his back.  The temptation was so strong to touch the sharks, but the need of my arms was stronger.  The sharks were definitely young because they weren't that big.  I mean they were huge, but not Discovery Channel huge.  They are just such amazing creatures and I can't believe I've been so close to them.  For sure one of the coolest experiences of my life!!!  While it was amazing, jumping into freezing cold water with a bad cold . . . not my smartest move.  So after the diving I was dead.  We got back at about 3/4:00-ish and I took two Ambien and went straight to bed.  I didn't want to be awake for anyone or anything.  

Then Sunday I woke up and got ready to be picked up at 8am for the tour of Cape Point.  I think almost all 30 of us did that (there were 3 vans).  That was also a full day tour of the cape which was just phenomenal.  We saw some amazing sites including an ostrich farm (which also included wild baboons just hanging out all around), Cape Point (which is a great tourist attraction of the southern most tip of Africa and where the two oceans collide), and my favorite of all . . . Boulder Beach which is known for it's penguin population.  The penguins just hang out in this area like you'd see seagulls back home (except the don't fly).  The penguins aren't very friendly but they do let you get pretty close.  It was incredible!!!  They are so cute and the baby ones are all fuzzy and gray. I got down on my knees (and almost my stomach at one point) to try to get closer and a bunch of them surrounded me.  Apparently one of my housemates has video of it but I haven't seen it yet.  One penguin even started mimicking my moves, he was too precious for words.  Anywho, that was Sunday and it was such a great day.  But again, as soon as we got home I had a hot cup of tea and straight to bed.  This morning was a little rough at placement because I still have this nasty cough but I walked into town this afternoon and got more cough drops and medicated tea.  I'm starting to get better but everyone else is starting to get sick so I'm trying to last as long as possible before I catch this bug again.  Whatever it is, it's going to keep going around until we go home.  

So now it's Monday afternoon and I'm going to take a nap before dinner.  I've never craved chicken noodle soup like I am now but I think I'd be hard pressed to find it here.  I've seen everything from Chinese food to Mexican food but no deli.  :)

Love you all!!

Oh and thank you everyone for your well wishes.  It is great to hear from everyone back home.  And Henry, I can't wait to share it all with you in Hawaii!!  Hawaii is going to feel a lot different on the tail end of a trip like this but never more needed.

Lots and lots of hugs,

Friday, July 18, 2008

First Week

Hi All,

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days.  I am happy to hear that so many people are reading this thing.  My first week has been a bit overwhelming so I just haven't taken the time to do this.  But, today is my first sick day (and I'm sure not my last) so I stayed home from placement.  The good news is I have time to do this, the bad news is I'm sick.  I just have a bad cold that began to set in about 2 days ago and this morning I couldn't pull myself out of bed.  It's been nice though to have the house to myself . . . I got my first long, hot shower which was amazing and I got to sleep in.  I'm still really stuffed up and waiting for my ears to pop, both of which might not change until I get home.  The reassuring part is that I'm not the only one, almost everyone in the house is affected.  At least 2-3 people are home sick every day for some illness.  While I'm on the topic of illness (I think this is kinda cool so I'm sharing) . . . one of the women in my room has IBS and another has Crohn's.  Cool, right?  I mean it sucks, but it's nice to know that other people are feeling the same way I am because trust me, the food in South Africa is not gut disease friendly.  We all seem to be managing just fine, with our diets consisting of a lot of toast and tea.  

Enough sick talk . . . time for the reason why I'm here . . . my placement is insane, intense, wonderful, exhausting . . . and everything in between.  I'm volunteering in a day care (or creche, as it's called in SA) in a class of 35-40 (depending on the day) five year olds.  Yesterday, because a teacher was sick, I was in the 1-2 year old class and I am so grateful to be with the older kids.  The babies are adorable but the smell was too much for me.  The babies are definitely not kept as clean as Milo is and the smell of 30 dirty diapers was not ok.  The worst part is, I was willing to clean them up but not allowed to.  So many of the babies have diaper rash and other issues that it really isn't safe for me to be risking blood mixture.  I'm trusting that you all get why mixing blood with a South African baby is risky so I'm not getting into the details.  It's just super sad.  So that's why I'm happy to be with 5 year olds even though they are exhausting and disgusting as well (they at least are potty trained).  A few of the kids have open sores all around their mouths, and a few of them have these horrible, deep coughs.  I know it's bad of me but I can't help thinking, AIDS and TB.  Actually, it isn't that bad because it's very much a possibility.  I've never washed my hands and arms so much in my life.  All that aside, they are so flippin adorable!!!  By the end of the first day they were all calling me Teacher Samantha (now they're calling me Teacher Amanda) and all they want to do is be on me.  I've become a human jungle gym.  The first day I was sitting on the floor and this little girl, Mandisa, came up behind me, took my rubber band out and started teasing and braiding my hair.  And they all want to touch my nose and mouth.  I've since started the no touching above the neck rule because it was just too gross.  They are also really into my hands which I don't get, but a lot of the girls love examining my hands and nails.  There is also this little boy, Liam, who I may try to sneak home.  He's super small, a good deal smaller than the other kids, and always off in his own world.  The other day I found him off to the side of the room full on rapping to himself, he had the moves down and everything.  It was the cutest thing ever.  And during recess he always finds some remote corner to build a fort in.  And he loves climbing trees, but the other day he scrapped his chin and it was bleeding a little, I tried to comfort him but I hated that I had to be so careful of not getting is blood on me.  I've just never been one to care about getting anything on me, especially with kids, and I hate that I have to be so aware of it.  It just isn't right, but it is the reality here.  Those are the two kids that stand out the most but they are all adorable.  There are a few girls who I'm having a hard time with because they just give me so much attitude.  They never listen and just laugh at me when I reprimand them.  And they always talk in Afrikaans around me which is just annoying because I know they're talking about me.  I guess you'll have that group of snotty girls anywhere, attitude is universal.  Another thing that amazes me about these kids is how easily entertained they are, they have so few toys and what they do have is either super old, broken, or just so simple.  Outside is a big stack of tires and they are so happy to play with their tires.  And they have about 5 hoola-hoops that are all bent and messed up but they don't care.  Kids back home would be so pissed with a just an old tire or hoola-hoop.  The children here have so little and they are so happy, it's incredible.  So, that's my placement.  

I have to get a little bit better by tomorrow because we've booked shark-diving for tomorrow and I am so excited!!!!  It's going to be amazing!!!!!

Oh, and a picture update . . . I've uploaded pictures to my computer but everything I try to upload them here, to facebook, or e-mail them my computer won't let me.  I can't figure it out and I don't really want to waste too much juice trying to figure it out so I may not be able to get pictures to all of you until I get home.  I'm so sorry but I am talking a lot and I promise you'll all get to see them soon.

Second oh, Dr. Diep . . . if you're reading this . . . I am desperately going to need an adjustment when I get back.

I think that's it for now,  I'll post again to let you all know how swimming with sharks goes.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Third Day in South Africa

There are so many things going through my head right now that I had to write it all down before I start to forget how I'm feeling.  The flight to Cape Town was fine; I slept through most of it.  Once of the CCS volunteers on our flight lost her bags so that took some time to help her out.  Then we found our drivers and drove to our home base.  We all went around, found our rooms, ate dinner, unpacked, and just mellowed out a bit.  We got in about 6pm so there wasn't much time and we were all pretty tired.  However, the jet lag really didn't set in until today.  I'm in a room with 3 other girls; two bunk beds.  I'm on the top bunk which isn't the greatest but I'm ok with it.  That was Saturday.  Sunday we woke up a little late, had breakfast and just worked on getting to know everyone in the house used to our surroundings.  Orientation began and that was a little boring, but oh well.  After orientation we filled into vans and they drove us into town for our first town tour.  We saw the beach side communities; which are beautiful!  We went to a few touristy locations; I think my favorite was Signal Hill.  We drove up this long, windy road to a lookout point which was more like a park.  Looking down on Cape Town all I could think about was how much it looks like the Bay Area and San Francisco.  These beautiful homes nestled between a gorgeous mountain (Table Mountain) and the sea (Atlantic).  Then we went down to the beach.  I, OF COURSE, was the first one in the water.   IT WAS MY FIRST TIME IN THE ATLANTIC OCEAN!!!  That's another thing, the weather has been gorgeous.  Sunny and beautiful and warm.  I hope it lasts as long as possible.  So yeah, back to the water.  I had my tennis shoes off before I hit the sand and then I just hit the sand running straight into the water.  My jeans were soaking but I didn't care, I was so happy to be in water.  It was no colder than Malibu and clearer that Hawaii.  We got to spend some time at the beach and then we went back to the home base and got ready for dinner.  Dinner was icky meatloaf so 13 of us decided to get cabs and go to the Waterfront.  The Waterfront is a lot like Fisherman's Warf, nice shops and restaurants right on the water.  We got pizza . . .  very yummy.  That was Sunday.  Monday was the complete opposite and possibly the most amazing day of my life.  Monday morning we filled into the vans again for more tours; however, today's tour was of the townships.  It was the most incredible experience of my life.  I'm still processing so it's hard for more to find the words.  I don't have many because I couldn't bring myself to bring out my camera.  I didn't want the people to feel like they were on a show or in a zoo.  Basically we just drove around to a few different neighborhoods and then got out to walk around.  The smell, the sights, everything was so overwhelming.  Once I've sorted out my feelings I'll fill you in.  Tomorrow I start my volunteering and I'm so excited and so nervous about that.  I'll let you know how it goes.  This is all so awesome but I do miss all of you at home.  This post is getting long so I'll say goodbye, but I love you all!


Friday, July 11, 2008

Off to some kind of start

Hi All,

So, yesterday my journey to Africa began and let's just say it was humorous.  It was a great way to start off an adventure like this.  Actually, the start kind of sucked because nothing went as I had planned but I went with it and adjusted when necessary and am now getting ready to head back to JFK.

Here's what happened (because I just need to vent for a minute) . . . I land in Atlanta just in time for this massive storm that leaves us stuck on the runway for a good 30-45 minutes with lightening striking everywhere and the runway is flooded within minutes.  I've never seen a storm move that quickly (guess I need to get out of Los Angeles more).  The guy sitting next to me is from Atlanta and says it's very typical and that he's even been hit by lightening in an airplane before in a similar situation.  I just start laughing (he must think I'm insane) because it all just seems to fit.  Then, we finally get off the plane and I begin to realize how intense this storm is because every flight is grounded, the airport is insanely crowded and my next flight ends up being delayed 5 hours after it's original time.  So I then spend close to 8 hours in the Delta terminal concourse B in Atlanta (I have that layout memorized!!).  I finally board the plane to JFK but my plans to spend the evening with Amy are beginning to seem more and more unrealistic.  I wouldn't land until close to midnight and then after getting my bags and a cab and over to her apartment, I wouldn't get to her until 1am-ish, just to have to sleep for a few hours, wake up and do it all again.  So, I called around from JFK and found a room at the local Best Western, got to their shuttle and finally had a bed.  It's not very glamorous, but it's nice to have a quiet room and my own bathroom for a few hours.  And they had free breakfast.  So now it is 10:30 and I'm trying to relax in my room before having to catch the shuttle again at noon.  And that was my first day of travel.  Thanks for listening.  

Next step is a 20-ish hour flight straight into Cape Town and that is where the Ambien comes out.  I can't believe that tomorrow I'll be in Cape Town, South Africa.  This is all so surreal to me and I've been so focused on what was going on around me that I have stopped to think about where it is all taking me.  I also think it's hard because I have no idea where I am going or what it's going to be like, so without something to picture in my head it is hard to grasp that it is actually happening.  

I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next, my goal is once a week (maybe more if it's easy to come by internet access).  I will be checking my e-mails but for anything Africa related check back here.

I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!!!


Wednesday, July 9, 2008

I'm leaving on a jet plane . . .

. . . tomorrow!!! In 12.5 hours I will be taking off to start my journey in South Africa. While I am so looking forward to this adventure, I will miss all of you and can't wait to share all my stories and pictures with you. My goal is to update once a week (possibly Mondays) while I'm away. Check back and enjoy!

Lots and lots of hugs,

Monday, June 30, 2008

10 Days . . .

I can now count the days until I leave for Africa on two hands, I know it's silly to you . . . but that's so crazy to me!!  I leave in 10 days and I am so flippin' excited.  

Thank you for the comments!  It's good to know they work.  It also makes me happy to know that people actually check this thing.  I started it not knowing if anyone would read it but now people are and that is rad!!

Preparations are going well, there isn't much left to do.  I've been so anxious about this trip that I'm going to take a mini trip to San Diego for the 4th to get my mind off of it.  I know, crazy right.  But if I just sit at home all I do is come up with more lists of things I should do and I'm just starting to drive myself bonkers.  It'll be great to lay on the beach for 3 days and hang out with Courtney and the San Diego crew.

That's all for now folks.  Talk to you soon.


Thursday, June 26, 2008

2 weeks . . . eek!

Yup, the title says it all . . . I leave for South Africa 2 weeks from today.  Everyone keeps asking me if I'm excited and I know that I am, but it's strange . . . I'm not sure if excitement is really what I'm feeling.  There are so many emotions that I can't really pinpoint them.  But I can say that after all the preparations I am incredibly anxious to finally board that plane and land in Cape Town.  I've been trying to imagine what it will be like for so long that it will be strange to finally know.  Ok, now I'm rambling.  but you all understand what I'm saying.  :)

This past week I did get really cool shoes for Africa.  Good shoes are important for all the fun things I'll be doing . . . like maybe a shark dive.  How cool would that be?!?! 

Don't forget to keep checking back for pictures . . . as soon as I start taking them I'll start putting them on here for everyone to enjoy.


Friday, June 20, 2008

3 weeks

Hey All,

Yesterday marked the 3 week mark. Cool, huh? Yeah . . . I know.

This week has been really exciting because I finally got the list of all my housemates and we've been starting to get to know each other and figure out all the fun things we want to do while in South Africa. Gotta love Facebook!! Some of them are going for like 12 weeks, I wish I could do that but not now. Some other time in my life, maybe, just not now.

I know I've been saying this all along, but wow, it's really starting to feel real which is kind of freaking me out. An excited freak out, but freak out nonetheless. And what's really starting to get to me that after all this planning and consideration . . . it's going to be over in less than 2 months. Weird.

But enough about that because I really am so flippin excited!! The program balance is paid off thanks to all the wonderful people in my life (especially mom and dad). All your support really helped. I'll still take donations in the form of Target gift cards :). Every day I think of things I should take with me, it's getting a little ridiculous.

That's all I can really think to say right now but again, just thank you so much to everyone and their overwhelming support.

Also, I'd love it someone could try to leave a comment on this thing so I know if it works before I leave because this will be my number one source of contact to all of you while in Africa.


Thursday, June 5, 2008

Next Month . . .

Hey all,

So now we've hit June which means that I can now say, "I'm going to Africa next month."  How RAD is that?!?!  I'm going to South Africa NEXT month, wowzers!  

Preparations are moving along smoothly.  Still have some shopping to do but I have a month, it'll get done.  

Oh oh oh oh, the real exciting news . . . I spoke to my program manager, Stephen, and he told me that I find out in about 2-3 weeks who my housemates will be!  I can't wait to meet the people I'll be living with for a month.  Can you say Real World Cape Town?  :)

Once I get all that info I'll definitely be letting you all know.  

And on the payment front . . . I'm getting closer, really close in fact.  There is still about $700 to cover.  Thank you to everyone who has made donations, you're all amazing and I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.  

If you'd still like to donate don't worry, there is still time.  I have until June 12 to pay off the balance.  Simply go to and search username "asauler."  From there the website will walk you through it.

Love you all!!!


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Best Family Ever

One month and 25 days until I leave for Cape Town!!!

And I just have to say that I have the best family ever!!!!!!  The support around this journey has been incredible but nothing can compare to the support I have received from Jen, Jeff, Milo and my parents.  I know, I know . . . kinda mushy but I had to say something.  I am so lucky to have those 5 in my life, they are amazing.  

Moving on now :)

Preparations for the trip are going well.  Jeff pulled out his Europe luggage to get it ready for Africa.  I'm planning my packing list and what I still need to buy (like good shoes).  I see the infectious disease doctor in a few weeks to get all my shots.  SCARY!  All is going smoothly.

Donations are still being accepted at (username - asauler).  I still don't have the entire balance paid so any little bit helps.

That's it for now.


Thursday, April 10, 2008

April 10 to July 10

Yup, I officially hit the three month countdown.  Not that I haven't been counting down this entire time, but it's getting down to the wire.

I just want to say how much I appreciate every one's support and encouragement.  I am so super excited and I can't wait to share all my amazing stories with you. 

So thank you thank you thank you to all who have been with me so far.

Also, as a reminder . . . donations are still being accepted (last day is June 12).

So, if you have a few extra bucks from that tax refund that you would like to use to support me just log onto (search username - asauler) and follow the instructions on the screen. 

Don't forget to check back, you may be mentioned on this oh so popular blog :)  


Thursday, April 3, 2008


You all know that I got my start of helping others with New Leash on Life ( and I have to take a moment to let you all know about their upcoming fundraiser.  Woodland Hills can count as 'Amanda Around the World' also.

Check out New Leash on Life's 7th Annual NUTS FOR MUTTS!!!!

It's going to be great fun for animal lovers of all kinds.

3 Months and Counting

Hi All,

All the garage sales and the bake sale were huge hits!  Thanks again to all who contributed.  Your efforts mean so very much to me.  

I'm now looking for new ways to fundraise and my next project is going to be to ask local business to sponsor me.  Two ways you can help with this is to help promote my blog, the more people who see it the better.  Also, if you own or know anyone who owns a business who might be willing to sponsor me please let me know.

I am getting so excited about going to South Africa.  My parents bought me more books on the country and I just can't stop reading them.  I have tons of books and I keep learning more and more cool things.  Now, I know it's not very educational but I found out that I'm going to be in Cape Town during their Fashion Week!!!!  I love children and helping others, but on a more selfish note . . . I also love fashion!!!  How cool is that?!

Thanks for checking in and helping to make this blog and this adventure a success!!


Monday, March 24, 2008

What's Going on Here

I've been working on spreading the word of my blog so I think it's about time I refresh every one's memory on the whole point of the blog.

This summer I am traveling to Cape Town, South Africa to volunteer in an orphanage. The umbrella organization that I am working with is Cross Cultural Solutions ( I leave July 10 and am very excited about all the wonderful experiences I know I am in for.

The first reason for this blog is for family and friends to follow along with me on this journey and all the ones that will come after. I will post stories and pictures from my adventures for everyone to enjoy and/or comment.

The second reason is to work as a fundraising tool. There are costs involved with traveling to Africa and as a starving student my funds are severely limited. So, through this blog I will be updating my readers on ways they can help fund my experience.

If you would like to sponsor my mission the best way to do so is to log onto (username-asauler) and make a tax-deductible donation through the website in my name.

If you have any questions or would like to know more feel free to leave a comment and I will get back to you right away.

Also, please feel free to use some of the new tools I've added to the site. The Google search box at the bottom of the page can be very helpful and is there for you!!

Garage Sale Part Deux

This past weekend showed to be successful with the second garage sale.  Thank you to everyone who donated and helped out with this event.  I could not have done it with out all of you!  

A special thanks needs to go out to Alec Isbell, Cheri Haft, and Meg Reyburn!!   Your generous donations definitely made the sale awesome!  

There are no other fundraising events planned at this time but keep checking back for updates.

Also, don't forget to check out (username - asauler).  Donations through the website will be accepted until June 12.


Thursday, March 20, 2008

Passports and more

The entire process is moving along great!!!  I bought my plane tickets and I leave July 10 for South Africa.  

My passport came in the mail a few days ago . . . I hate my picture and the new passports are really intense, but I have one and that's all that matters.  Next step is deciding which vaccines to get.  

Donations are still being accepted so if you would like to help get me to South Africa to volunteer in an orphanage log onto and search username "asauler."  There you can see my payment progress and make a donation.  

Thank you a million times over to everyone who has been so supportive.  It means a lot to me to have such great people by my side.

Oh oh oh . . . . and don't forget the garage sale this Saturday at 6615 Petit, Lake Balboa.  We have some great finds so come on by!!!


Thursday, February 28, 2008

4 More Months

Hello Beautiful People!!

In about 4 months I will be on a plane to South Africa!  As the trip gets closer my to-do list seems to grow longer.  Passport has been applied for, vaccines need to be ordered, etc.  The reality is starting to set in and I'm not nearly as nervous as I expected to be.  That may be a different story when I'm on the plane.  Oh that reminds me . . . I need to buy my plane tickets.  Better call United ;).

My fundraising efforts have been going really well.  The donations for the garage sales have been overwhelming.  I guess everyone needs a good excuse to clean out their closets, I know I did.  

Keep checking back for dates and times of more fundraising events.  I always welcome the company!


Monday, February 11, 2008

First Garage Sale

My first fundraising event was this past weekend and it was a huge success.  I held a garage sale at my sister's house and we raised over $300!!!  Thank you to everyone who donated and came by to support me.  I could not do this without all of you.

Everyone's help is greatly appreciated but there are a few who went above and beyond and they deserve a special thanks. 

Jen & Jeff (& Milo)
Ross & Karen
Gordy & Amanda
Daniela & Jessie & Sarah
Mary & Tyler

Thank you a millions times over.  Your support and donations made this garage sale possible and brought me that much closer to the orphanage in South Africa.  

Thursday, January 31, 2008

First Donation!!!!

I got my first donation!!!!!!!

Thank you, thank you, thank you to Barbara for starting off this whole journey!


First Garage Sale

Clean out your home for a good cause . . . 

To maximize my fundraising efforts in getting myself to South Africa I will be hosting garage sales and bake sales over the course of the next few months.
The first garage sale will be held on February 9 at my amazing sister's house in Lake Balboa.  If you have any items (furniture, clothes, housewares, books, etc.) in your home that need to be cleared out this is the perfect opportunity.  I will even arrange to come pick them up.  How much easier could it be?  


Going to Africa

I can't believe I'm going to South Africa!!  This is something that I've wanted to do for years and now it is actually happening.  So crazy!!  I'm really excited about the entire experience, I just know I'm going to learn so much and meet some incredible people.
However, this is one experience that I can't make happen on my own which is why I'm asking you to sponsor me.  Your generosity could make this dream of mine come true.  If you didn't receive a letter and would like to know how you can help simply leave a comment and I will get back to you as soon as possible.
Or . . . go to and search asauler.  
Throughout the process and while I am in South Africa I will be posting fundraising updates, dates for bake sales and garage sales, stories and pictures of my time in South Africa.  You will also be able to leave comments and stay in contact with me.  So keep checking, maybe you'll be mentioned :)
