Friday, July 11, 2008

Off to some kind of start

Hi All,

So, yesterday my journey to Africa began and let's just say it was humorous.  It was a great way to start off an adventure like this.  Actually, the start kind of sucked because nothing went as I had planned but I went with it and adjusted when necessary and am now getting ready to head back to JFK.

Here's what happened (because I just need to vent for a minute) . . . I land in Atlanta just in time for this massive storm that leaves us stuck on the runway for a good 30-45 minutes with lightening striking everywhere and the runway is flooded within minutes.  I've never seen a storm move that quickly (guess I need to get out of Los Angeles more).  The guy sitting next to me is from Atlanta and says it's very typical and that he's even been hit by lightening in an airplane before in a similar situation.  I just start laughing (he must think I'm insane) because it all just seems to fit.  Then, we finally get off the plane and I begin to realize how intense this storm is because every flight is grounded, the airport is insanely crowded and my next flight ends up being delayed 5 hours after it's original time.  So I then spend close to 8 hours in the Delta terminal concourse B in Atlanta (I have that layout memorized!!).  I finally board the plane to JFK but my plans to spend the evening with Amy are beginning to seem more and more unrealistic.  I wouldn't land until close to midnight and then after getting my bags and a cab and over to her apartment, I wouldn't get to her until 1am-ish, just to have to sleep for a few hours, wake up and do it all again.  So, I called around from JFK and found a room at the local Best Western, got to their shuttle and finally had a bed.  It's not very glamorous, but it's nice to have a quiet room and my own bathroom for a few hours.  And they had free breakfast.  So now it is 10:30 and I'm trying to relax in my room before having to catch the shuttle again at noon.  And that was my first day of travel.  Thanks for listening.  

Next step is a 20-ish hour flight straight into Cape Town and that is where the Ambien comes out.  I can't believe that tomorrow I'll be in Cape Town, South Africa.  This is all so surreal to me and I've been so focused on what was going on around me that I have stopped to think about where it is all taking me.  I also think it's hard because I have no idea where I am going or what it's going to be like, so without something to picture in my head it is hard to grasp that it is actually happening.  

I'm not sure when I'll be able to post next, my goal is once a week (maybe more if it's easy to come by internet access).  I will be checking my e-mails but for anything Africa related check back here.

I love you all very much and can't wait to see you all in a few weeks!!!



Jen and Milo said...

We miss you already. Even though I talked to you about 10 times between yesterday and today. After you texted me when you were on the plane, I really started to miss you. Eat eat eat!!!! I'm not joking.

Jen and Milo said...

We miss you already. Even though I talked to you about 10 times between yesterday and today. After you texted me when you were on the plane, I really started to miss you. Eat eat eat!!!! I'm not joking.

Dad said...

Wow, LAX to Hartsfield/Atlanta to NY/JFK and finally, after an Atlantic crossing, to Capetown, South Africa. This is the start of an incredible adventure, and I am sure that this will be the first of many more adventures in your life. Amanda, I am so very excited for you that I cannot put it into words. Let us know how the fight across the pond goes, and don't forget to look at the sky. I love you. Dad.

Mom said...

I am so sorry I missed your calls on Friday. It was a terrible day to leave my phone at home. The good news is that you finally got to New York and handled everything wonderfully. A good night's sleep and a free breakfast is exactly what you needed. By the time you read this you will have landed in South Africa. Even though I will miss you, this is going to be an incredible experience. I love you more than anything!! Have a fabulous time and be safe.