Monday, July 21, 2008

Sharks and penguins all in one weekend!

Hi All,

I hope all of your weekends were wonderful . . . but let me just tell you, nothing can top mine.  Even sick, I'm pretty sure I just had one of the best weekends ever.  

Saturday morning a group of 13 of us got picked up at 5:30am (not fun at all, but oh well) and we drove two hours to the Eastern Cape.  I'm on the western side of the island so it was nice to see a different side, even though it was super early.  Then we got to Gansbaai and got on the shark diving boat.  The boat ride was a little under a half hour.  One of the really cool parts is that I have now been in the Indian and the Atlantic oceans . . . that's really cool to me. As soon as we anchored we began to see sharks around the boat, it was incredible.  They are soooo beautiful!!!  I am also so happy that other people went with me because I was so overwhelmed by what was happening I didn't think to take any pictures, but don't worry, tons of pictures were taken.  There were 20 people on the boat and we went down in groups of 4.  I was in the third group to go.  While the second group was in the water we got in our wetsuits and got ready to jump in the cage.  I'm not sure what kind of metal the cage is but I felt safe the entire time.  We saw about 3-4 different sharks who just kept swimming back around, one was super friendly (or pissed) and got up super close to the cage.  I actually think he was rubbing up against the cage.  His second time doing that I had to pull my hands back a bit because he was so close . . . I couldn't just touch him, I could have probably reached my arms across his back.  The temptation was so strong to touch the sharks, but the need of my arms was stronger.  The sharks were definitely young because they weren't that big.  I mean they were huge, but not Discovery Channel huge.  They are just such amazing creatures and I can't believe I've been so close to them.  For sure one of the coolest experiences of my life!!!  While it was amazing, jumping into freezing cold water with a bad cold . . . not my smartest move.  So after the diving I was dead.  We got back at about 3/4:00-ish and I took two Ambien and went straight to bed.  I didn't want to be awake for anyone or anything.  

Then Sunday I woke up and got ready to be picked up at 8am for the tour of Cape Point.  I think almost all 30 of us did that (there were 3 vans).  That was also a full day tour of the cape which was just phenomenal.  We saw some amazing sites including an ostrich farm (which also included wild baboons just hanging out all around), Cape Point (which is a great tourist attraction of the southern most tip of Africa and where the two oceans collide), and my favorite of all . . . Boulder Beach which is known for it's penguin population.  The penguins just hang out in this area like you'd see seagulls back home (except the don't fly).  The penguins aren't very friendly but they do let you get pretty close.  It was incredible!!!  They are so cute and the baby ones are all fuzzy and gray. I got down on my knees (and almost my stomach at one point) to try to get closer and a bunch of them surrounded me.  Apparently one of my housemates has video of it but I haven't seen it yet.  One penguin even started mimicking my moves, he was too precious for words.  Anywho, that was Sunday and it was such a great day.  But again, as soon as we got home I had a hot cup of tea and straight to bed.  This morning was a little rough at placement because I still have this nasty cough but I walked into town this afternoon and got more cough drops and medicated tea.  I'm starting to get better but everyone else is starting to get sick so I'm trying to last as long as possible before I catch this bug again.  Whatever it is, it's going to keep going around until we go home.  

So now it's Monday afternoon and I'm going to take a nap before dinner.  I've never craved chicken noodle soup like I am now but I think I'd be hard pressed to find it here.  I've seen everything from Chinese food to Mexican food but no deli.  :)

Love you all!!

Oh and thank you everyone for your well wishes.  It is great to hear from everyone back home.  And Henry, I can't wait to share it all with you in Hawaii!!  Hawaii is going to feel a lot different on the tail end of a trip like this but never more needed.

Lots and lots of hugs,


Jen and Milo said...

You are so adventurous! I just love hearing your stories. I'll make you a big pot of chicken noodle soup when you get home. Actually, I'll make you just about anything, because you probably weigh 10 pounds. Remember to eat!!!! We love you.
Jen and Milo

Meg said...

Your adventures sound so awesome Amanda! I love that you are getting these amazing opportunities at the same time you are doing this incredible volunteer work. I am so proud of you for going over there to offer your services and I am not surprised you have found a whole new batch of fans in the wee ones. I am very glad you opted to hang onto your arms rather than hang on to a shark!! And what a thrill to be in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans for your first time within days of each other.

I am really excited to see your pics and hear all of your stories, especially about your tour of the townships. I can't even imagine what it's like to be where you are. Keep soaking it all up!

Much love,

Mom said...

I can't believe that you were so close to sharks! I am delighted that you still have all of your fingers and toes - that was a smart decision. You are the most brave and awesome person in the world. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all of the details. Dad and I will take you to Weiler's for Chicken Soup and anywhere else you want to go. Just keep eating and try to stay healthy.

The animals you have seen are just amazing and both coasts in one weekend. What an experience. We are all fine - just missing you and thinking about you. I love you more than anything. Stay safe.
Always, Mom xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo